Thursday 27 September 2012

Coming to terms.....

If anyone was to ask what the worst bit of diagnosis is, for me, undoubtably it was the thought of leaving my son without a mum. I just had to picture his face and I was in floods of tears. How would he manage without his mum looking out for him. Since my ex left, its just been me and him. I spoil him far more than I should but hey, thats my perogative. We've been through some tough times and he's the most important person in my life. I know he has his Dad but its not the same as a mums love. I couldn't and still can't bear to think of him in a world where he hasn't got me to turn to. He was almost 16 at time of diagnosis. And I wasn't sure if I would see him get any older.

That day I was discharged home with my verdict - my niece drove me and we discussed what I should tell him about what I knew. I decided that he needed to know the truth, but without the nitty gritty. I went upstairs whilst she broke the news to  him and his dad. I couldn't bear to look at him while she broke his heart. Then I came down and acted the way I normally do - a bit of humour - and a brave face. He wouldnt see me cry - I was the calmest person around.

From that point, I decided I would face whatever was thrown at me full on. Just bring it on....

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